MPQ-AVCR Agreement
Agreement between the Max
Planck Institute for Quantum Optics and
the Czech Republic’s Academy of Sciences
on the assignment of the Iodine Laser ASTERIX
- The Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics
(MPQ) consigns its ASTERIX Iodine Laser to the Institute
of Plasma Physics of the Czech Republic’s Academy
of Sciences, for the symbolic price of 1 DM.
This consignment takes place upon the approbation
of EURATOM, as well as of the Administration of
the Max Planck Society, on the understanding that
ASTERIX will be re-assembled in Prague, and that
it will be operated for at least five years. The
ASTERIX components to be transferred are listed
in the supplement to this deed.
- The Czech Republic’s Academy of Sciences covers
the total expenditure for the transport of ASTERIX
to Prague, as well as for its re-assembly. The MPQ
is not liable to any damage pending the transport,
should this arise, neither it will supply replacement
for the parts damaged or lost. The MPQ will not
contribute to operation expenses in the future.
- The ASTERIX components presently located in
the laser hall will be undone by the end of 1997.
The Czech Republic’s Academy of Sciences will take
over the documentation and the indexing of all the
components, including those located in the lower
floor of the laser hall. The concrete blocks and
the T-trusses will be transported to Prague immediately.
The other components will be stocked in interim
in the basement of the MPQ hall, until the laser
hall in Prague is ready for the transfer to begin.
The MPQ is not liable to any damage or loss during
this interim stocking. The transfer has to be carried
out no later than 31 December, 1998. If this
date is exceeded, a new agreement must be contracted.
- The Czech Republic’s Academy of Sciences will
create a working party, with explicitly stated duties
of the individual members. These persons will become
responsible for the jobs arising in the course of
the removal, stocking, transport and re-assembly
of the ASTERIX laser.
- The MPQ will support the Czech Republic’s Academy
of Sciences during the commissioning of the laser,
as long as the MPQ considers this effective. The
MPQ assistance is, however, limited to the equivalent
of full-time employment for 1 person over a
3 months period. The MPQ does not guarantee
the success of the re-assembly.
- The Czech Republic’s Academy of Sciences has
full proprietary rights on the re-assembled laser.
- The MPQ will be allowed to conduct its own experiments
using the re-assembled laser, so long as the laser
remains operational in Prague, while it will be
given a priority access to the beamtime. No fees
for the beamtime may be required in such a case.
- The Czech Republic’s Academy of Sciences engages
not to conduct any military experiments with the
re-assembled laser.
Garching, 27 June 1997
Prof. Dr. H. Walther Director of
the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics
Prague, 30 June 1997
Prof. Dr. P. Sunka Director of
the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Republic’s
Academy of Sciences
Dr. V. Dvorak Director of the Institute
of Physics of the Czech Republic’s Academy of Sciences
Prof. Dr. R. Zahradnik President
of the Czech Republic’s Academy of Sciences
Note: This text is an English translation
of the legally authentic agreement in German and Czech
languages, and has as such no legal validity.