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Given Name Petr
Family Name Straka
Position vědecký pracovník
Room No. 91
Phone +420-2-6605 2623
  1. 1987—1992 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University (Prague), specialized in Quantum and Nonlinear Optics, graduated with diploma thesis: Compression of a Picosecond Optical Pulses. Thesis included experimental compression of picosecond laser pulses due to theirs self-phase-modulation in an optical waveguide and passing through dispersion delay-line (two optical gratings).
  2. 1992—1997 PhD study at the Department of Gas Lasers (the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic). PhD thesis: Stimulated Brillouin Scattering with a High-Power Iodine Laser. It contains of two parts.


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  1994, 1995, 1997

B. Kralikova, J. Skala, P. Straka, H. Turcicova: Highly non-steady-state regime of stimulated Brillouin scattering with an iodine laser


J. Opt. Soc. Am., B 11, 1544 (1994)


P. Straka, B. Kralikova, J. Skala, H. Turcicova: Study of highly non-steady-state regime of stimulated Brillouin scattering at laser PERUN


4th Int. Workshop on Iodine Lasers and Application, K. Rohlena, B. Kralikova, J. Kodymova, Editors, SPIE Proc. 2767, 86 (1995)


B. Kralikova, J. Skala, P. Straka, H. Turcicova: Image restoration at highly non-steady-state regime of stimulated Brillouin scattering at photodissociation iodine laser


Opt. Lett., 22, 766 – 768 (1997)


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