Josef Krása
Given Name |
Josef |
Family Name |
Krása |
Position |
vědecký pracovník |
Room No. |
340 |
Phone |
+420-2-6605 2619 |
E-mail |
Education |
1979 RNDr. Matematicko-fyzikální
fakulta KU, Praha 1976 CSc. (Ph.D.)
Akademie Věd ČR (ČSAV), Praha 1969 Mgr.
(M.S.) Matematicko-fyzikální
fakulta KU, Praha
Work Experience |
Pracovní pobyty
- Institute of Plasma Physics and
Laser Microfusion, Warsaw, Poland;
- Laboratorio Nationale del Sud, Catania,
- Kansas State University, Department
of Physics, JRM Laboratory, Manhattan
Research Topics |
Laserem generované
plasma, detekce iontů, termoluminiscence
RTG záření, aplikace laserem
generovaného plazmatu
Research Activities |
Research Interests:
- Laser-Produced Plasmas
- Ion Diagnostics
- Interaction of Highly Charged Ions
with Matter
- Thermoluminescent Dosimetry of X-Rays
- Laser Ion and X-Ray Sources
2001 |
1990 |
Krása J., Engst
P., Horák M.: Thermovision monitoring
of gas-phase fluorescence induced by CW
CO laser radiation
Spectrochimica Acta
46A (1990) 559
1992 |
Chvojka M., Králiková
B., Krása J., Krouský E.,
Láska L., Mašek K., Renner O., Rohlena K.,
Skála J., Štirand O., Trenda P.:
Iodine photodissociation laser system Perun
Czech. J. Phys. 42
(1992) 899
Beránek J.,
Chvojka M., Hermoch V., Králiková
B., Krása J., Láska L., Mašek
K., Musil J., Rohlena K., Rus B., Schmiedberger
J., Skála J., Štirand O., Trenda
P., Basov N.G., Divilkovskiy I.M.,
Zuev V.C., Kanaev., Katulin V.A., Korolkov
K.S., Mikheev L.D., Orlov E.P., Petrov A.L.,
Yalovoy V.I.: A pulsed photodissociation
laser with slow pumping
Laser and Particle
Beams 10 (1992) 871 - 890
Láska L., Juha
L., Krása J., Hamplová V.,
Soukup L.: Production of fullerenes by an
infrared laser
Czech.J.Phys. 43 (1993)
Láska L., Krása
J., Juha L.: Chemistry of iodine photodissociation
lasers at the pyrolytic regime
Chem.Phys. 172 (1993)
Juha L., Krása
J., Láska L.: Near infrared laser
induced ion desorption from ion exchangers
into water
Chem.Phys.Lett., 204
(1993) 265-268
Juha L., Krása
J., Láska L., Hamplová V.,
Soukup L., Engst P., Kubát P.: Fast
degradation of fullerenes by ultraviolet
laser radiation
Appl. Phys. B 57 (1993)
M., Krása J., Juha L.: Thermoluminescence
glow curves of CaF2:Dy crystals
irradiated by soft X-rays
Z. Phys. B 93 (1993)
Krása J., Jiřička
J., Lokajíček M.: Depolarization
of light by an imperfect polarizer
Phys. Rev. E 48 (1993)
Láska L., Krása
J.: Experimental determination of pyrolysis
limit in pumping the iodine photodissociation
In: Gas Flow and Chemical
Lasers.(Proceedings of the Ninth International
Symposium, 1992), C. Fotakis, C. Kalpouzos,
T. Papazoglou, Editors, Proc. SPIE 1810
(1993) 525 - 527
Krása J., Pietriková
M., Juha L., Chvojka M., Králiková
B., Mašek K., Skála J., Krouský E.,
Trousil J., Plichta J., Daříčková
A.: A Comparison of Si P-I-N Diodes and
Thermoluminiscent Detectors Responses in
the Soft X-Ray Region
In: Iodine Lasers
and Applications. (Proceedings of the Third
International SPIE Workshop, 1992) M. Chvojka,
J. Kodymová, B. Králiková,
Editors, Proc. SPIE 1980 (1993) 103 - 108
Láska L., Juha
L., Krása J., Hamplová V.,
Soukup L.: Fullerenes prepared by an iodine
In: Iodine Lasers
and Applications. M. Chvojka, J. Kodymová,
B. Králiková, Editors, Proc.
SPIE 1980 (1993) 132 - 136
Mašek K., Rohlena
K., Krása J., Štirand O., Chvojka
M., Králiková B., Skála
J., Krouský E.: Generation of the
second harmonics in an iodine-laser-produced
In: Iodine Lasers
and Applications. M. Chvojka, J. Kodymová,
B. Králiková, Editors, Proc.
SPIE 1980 (1993) 109 - 116
Woryna E., Mróz
W., Parys P., Láska L., Mašek K.,
Krása J., Chvojka M., Králiková
B., Skála J., Rohlena K.: Ion measurements
of laser-produced Al plasma on PERUN laser
In: Iodine Lasers
and Applications. M. Chvojka, J. Kodymová,
B. Králiková, Editors, Proc.
SPIE 1980 (1993) 117 - 124
Krása J., Lokajíček
M., Jiřička J.: Transmittance of a laser
beam through a pair of crossed polarizers
Phys. Lett. A 186,
(1994) 279-282
Láska L., Mašek
K., Králiková B., Krása
J., Skála J., Rohlena K., Woryna
E., Wołowski J., Langbein K., Haseroth
H.: Highly charged Ta ions produced by the
photodissociation iodine laser with subnanosecond
Appl. Phys. Lett.
65, (1994) 691-693
Mróz W., Parys
P., Wołowski J., Woryna E., Chvojka M.,
Králiková B., Krása
J., Láska L., Mašek K., Skála
J., Rohlena K.: Investigation of iodine
laser interaction of intensities Il2 ~ 1013
- 1015 Wcm-2mm2
with aluminium targets
Laser and Particle
Beams 12, (1994) 421-433
Mróz W., Wołowski
J., Woryna E., Králiková B.,
Krása J., Láska L., Mašek
K., Skála J., Rohlena K., Shamaev
O.B., Sharkov B.Yu, Haseroth H., Langbein
K.L., Sherwood T.R.: Laser plasma as a source
of highly ionized ions
Rev. Sci. Instrum.
65, (1994) 1272-1274
Mašek K., Králiková
B., Krása J., Láska L., Rohlena
K., Rus B., Skála J., Štirand O.,
Trenda P., Bessarab A.V., Garanin S.G.,
Kirillov G.A., Kiryanov Yu.F., Kochemasov G.G.,
Ryadov A.B., Sukharev S.A., Suslov N.A.,
Zaretskii A.I.: Passage of laser light through
a hole - plasma shutter
Laser and Particle
Beams 12, (1994) 445-454
Chvojka M., Králiková
B., Krása J., Láska L., Maš
ek K., Rohlena K., Skála J., Mróz,
Parys P., Wolowski J., Woryna E.: Ion generation
from Al-laser-produced plasma
Czech. J. Phys. 44
(1994) 851-864
Láska L., Krása
J., Juha L., Hamplová V., Soukup
L.: Near infrared laser production of fullerenes
In Second International
Symposium on Advanced Laser Technologies,
V. Pustovoy, M. Jelínek, Editors,
Proc. SPIE 2332 (1994) 122-129
Beránek J.,Krása
J., Mašek K., Rohlena K.: Modelling of an
iodine laser with slow pumping
In High Power Gas
and Solid State Lasers, M. Bohrer, T. Letardi,
D. Schuocker, H. Weber, Editors, Proc. SPIE
2206 (1994) 236-247
Krása J., Fárníková
M., Juha L., Králiková B.,
Láska L., Mašek K., Skála
J., Rohlena K., Daříčková
A.: Characterization and application of
soft X-ray source driven by subnanosecond
iodine laser pulses
In High Power Gas
and Solid State Lasers, M. Bohrer, T. Letardi,
D. Schuocker, H. Weber, Editors, Proc. SPIE
2206 (1994) 299-306
B., Krása J., Láska L., Mašek
K., Přeučil S., Rohlena K., Skála
J., Trenda P., Bessarab A.V., Garanin
S.G., Kirilov G.A., Kiryanov Yu.F., Kochemasov G.G.,
Lvov L.V., Ryadov A.B., Sukharev S.A.,
Suslov N.A. and Zaretskii A.I.: Smoothing
of ablation pressure profile by controlling
the position of critical surface
Inst. Phys. Conf.
Ser. No. 140, Section 9 (1995) 325-328
Woryna E., Parys P.,
Wołowski J., Farny J., Mróz W., Králiková
B., Krása J., Láska L., Mašek
K., Pfeifer M., Rohlena K., Skála
J., Trenda., Haseroth H., Collier J., Sharkov B.Yu.
and Shumshurov A.V.: Ta53+ ions
with energies up to 4.8 MeV registered by
ion electrostatic analyser and Thomsom parabola
spectrograph from a laser produced plasma
Inst. Phys. Conf.
Ser. No. 140, Section 9 (1995) 463-466
Haseroth H., Collier
J., Kuttenberg A., Langbein K., Sherwood
T.R., Králiková B., Krása J.,
Láska L., Mašek K., Pfeifer M., Rohlena
K., Skála J., Trenda., Parys P.,
Wołowski J., Woryna E., Farny J., Mróz
W., Roudskoy I., Shamayev O., Sharkov B.,
Shumshurov A. and Bryunetkin B.A.: Laser
produced highly charged Ta ions
Inst. Phys. Conf.
Ser. No. 140, Section 9 (1995) 293-296
M., Juha L., Krása J., Parys P.,
Ryc L., Wol owski J., Woryna E.: Absolute
brightness measurement of X-ray emission
from laser-produced plasma using thermoluminescent
Nucl. Instr. and Meth.
in Phys. Res. A 386, (1996) 484-487
Láska L., Krása
J., Juha L., Hamplová V., Soukup
L.: Fullerene production driven by long-pulses
of near-infrared laser radiation
Carbon 34, (1996)
Láska L., Krása
J., Mašek K., Pfeifer, Trenda P., Králiková
B., Skála J., Rohlena K., Woryna
E., Farny J., Wołowski J., Mróz W.,
Shumshurov A., Sharkov B., Collier J., Langbein
K., Haseroth H.: Multiply charged ion generation
from NIR and visible laser-produced plasma
Rev. Sci. Instrum.
67, (1996) 950-952
M., Krása J., Juha L., Ryć L.: Thermoluminescent
dosimetry of x-ray radiation emitted from
a laser-produced plasma
J. Phys. D: Appl.
Phys. 29, (1996) 2119-2123
Woryna E., Parys P.,
Wołowski J., Láska L., Krása
J., Mašek K., Pfeifer M., Králiková
B., Skála J., Straka P. and Rohlena
K.:Au49+, Pb50+, and
Ta48+ ions from laser-produced
Appl. Phys. Lett.
69 (1996) 1547-1549
Mróz W., Parys
P., Wol owski J., Woryna E., Straka P.,
Králiková B., Krása
J., Láska L., Mašek K., Rohlena K.,
Mocek T., Pfeifer M., Skála J., Haseroth
H., Collier J., Sharkov B. Yu., Shumshurov
A.V. and Golubev A.V.: Thompson parabola
ion spectrograph with the microchannel plate
image converter in investigations of high-Z
laser plasma ion sources
Rev. Sci. Instrum.
67 (1996) 1272-1274
Rohlena K., Králiková
B., Krása J., Láska L., Mašek
K., Pfeifer M., Skála J., Parys P.,
Wołowski J., Woryna E., Farny J., Mróz
W., Roudskoy I., Shamaev O., Sharkov B.,
Shumshurov A., Bryunetkin B.A., Haseroth
H., Collier J., Kuttenbrger A., Langbein
K. and Kugler H.: Ion production by lasers
using high-power densities in a near infrared
Laser and Particle
Beams 14 (1996) 335-346
Láska L., Krása
J., Mašek K., Pfeifer M., Králiková
B., Mocek T., Skála J., Straka P.,
Trenda P., Rohlena K., Woryna E., Farny
J., Parys P., Wołowski J., Mróz W.,
Shumshurov A. Sharkov B., Collier J., Langbein
K., Haseroth H., Iodine laser production
of highly charged Ta ions
Czech J. Phys. 46
(1996) 1099-1116
Wołowski J., Parys
P., Woryna E., Krása J., Láska
L., Mašek K., Rohlena K.: Feasibility of
short wavelength, short pulse laser ion
source for the LHC ion injector
XVIII. Int. Linac
Conf. - LINAC'96, Geneva, August 26-30,
1996, p. 166-168
M., Krása J., Králiková
B., Skála J., Parys P., Ryć L., Wołowski
J., Woryna E.: Absolute measurement of soft
X-ray emission by laser plasma using thermoluminescent
dosimeters and semiconductor detectors
In Iodine Lasers and
Applications, K. Rohlena, J. Kodymová,
B. Králiková, Editors, Proc.
SPIE 2767 (1996) 113-118
Rus B., Holden P.B.,
Mocek T., Kálal M., Zeitoun P.,Demir
A., Jamelot G., Králiková
B., Krása J., Pína L., Sebban
S., Skála J., Tallents G.J.: Design
of efficient soft X-ray laser using neonlike
Fe driven by iodine laser
In Iodine Lasers and
Applications, K. Rohlena, J. Kodymová,
B. Králiková, Editors, Proc.
SPIE 2767 (1996) 125-132
Láska L., Krása
J., Mašek K.,Králiková B.,
Mocek T., Pfeifer M., Skála J., Straka
P., Rohlena K., Woryna E., Wołowski J.:
Influence of laser beam focusing on the
production of highly charged ions from laser
In Iodine Lasers and
Applications, K. Rohlena, J. Kodymová,
B. Králiková, Editors, Proc.
SPIE 2767 (1996) 142-149
Mocek T., Rus B.,
Kálal M., Zeitoun P., Demir A., Jamelot
G., Králiková B., Krása
J., Pína L., Sebban S., Skála
J., Tallens G.J.: Experimental investigation
of line plasma created by intensities 109 - 1011 W cm-2
In Iodine Lasers and
Applications, K. Rohlena, J. Kodymová,
B. Králiková, Editors, Proc.
SPIE 2767 (1996) 133-141
Krása J., Láska
L., Mašek K., Pfeifer M., Králiková
B., Skála J., Straka P., Rohlena
K., Mróz W., Woryna E., Parys P.,
Wołowski J., Haseroth H., Golubev A.A. and
Sharkov B. Yu.: Multiply charged ions from
iodine-laser-produced plasma of medium-
and high-Z targets, 24th ECLIM, Madrid 1996
In: Advances in Laser
Interaction with Matter and Internal Fusion,
ed. G.Velarde et al., World ScientificPublishing
Co.Pte.Ltd, Singapore, NJ, London Hong Kong
1997, pp.103-106
B., Krása J., Láska L., Mašek
K., Přeučil S., Rohlena K., Skála
J., Bessarab A.V., Garanin S.G., Kirillov
G.A., Kiryanov Yu.F., Kochemasov G.G., Lvov
L.V., Ryadov A.B., Sukharev S.A., Suslov
N.A. and Zaretskii A.I.: Imprint removal
by a prepulse plasma, 24th ECLIM, Madrid
In: Advances in Laser
Interaction with Matter and Internal Fusion,
ed. G.Velarde et al., World ScientificPublishing
Co.Pte.Ltd, Singapore, NJ, London Hong Kong
1997, pp.156-159
Krása J., Fárníková
M. and Ryć L.: Measurements of laser-plasma
emission in the soectral range from the
VUV to X-ray region using thermoluminescent
dosemeters, 24th ECLIM, Madrid 1996
In: Advances in Laser
Interaction with Matter and Internal Fusion,
ed. G.Velarde et al., World Scientific Publishing
Co.Pte.Ltd, Singapore, NJ, London, Hong
Kong 1997 pp. 59-62
Krása J., Láska
L., Mašek K., Pfeifer M., Králiková
B., Skála J., Straka P., Rohlena
K., Mróz W., Woryna E., Parys P.,
Wołowski J., Haseroth H., Golubev A.A.,
Sharkov B.Yu., Multiply charged ions from
iodine laser-produced plasma of medium-
and high-Z targets
Laser and Particle
Beams, 16 (1998) 5-12
M., Krása J., Králiková
B., Skála J., Parys P., Ryć L., Wołowski
J., Woryna E., Laser plasma X-ray measurement
using thermoluminescent dosimeters and Si
Czech. J. Phys. 48
(1998) 355-363
Krása J., Woryna
E., Stockli M.P., Winecki S., Walch B.P.,
Gain of windowless electron multipliers
226EM and EMI 9643/2B for highly charged
Ta ions
Rev. Sci. Instrum.
69 (1998) 95-100
Láska L., Krása
J., Mašek K., Pfeifer, Rohlena K., Králiková
B., Skála J., Straka P., Woryna E.,
Parys P., Wołowski J., Mróz W., Haseroth
H., Golubev A., Sharkov B., Korschinek G.:
Multiply charged ions of heavy elements
produced by an iodine laser with subnanosecond
Rev. Sci. Instrum.
69 (1998) 1072-1074
Haseroth H., Kugler
H., Langbein K., Lisi N., Lombardi A., Magn’russon
H., Pirkl W., Schnuriger J.C., Scrivens
R., Tambini J., Tanke E., Homenko S., Makarov
K., Roerich V., Stepanov A., Satov Y., Kodrashev
S., Savin S., Sharkov B., Shumshurov A.,
Krása J., Láska L., Pfeifer,
Woryna E.: Developments at the CERN laser
ion source
Rev. Sci. Instrum.
69 (1998) 1051-1053
Woryna E., Parys P.
Wołowski J., Krása J., Láska
L., Rohlena K., Stockli M.P., Winecki S.,
Walch B.: Absolute measurements of characteristics
of tantalum ion current from laser-produced
Rev. Sci. Instrum.
69 (1998) 1045-1047
Krása J., Woryna
E., M.P. Stöckli: The effect of the
first dynode’s curvature on the gain of
a type 226EM electron multiplier used as
a detector of highly charged ions
Meas. Sci. Technol.
9 (1998) 1632-1634
Perina V., Hnatowicz
V., J. Krása, L. Láska: Simple
technique for measurement of energy spectra
of ions from laser produced plasma
Czech. J. Phys. 48
(1998) 1067
Krása, L. Láska,
K. Rohlena, M. Pfeifer, J. Skála,
B.Králiková, P. Straka, M.
Makarova, E. Woryna, J. Wolowski: Ion losses
in expanded laser-produced plasma
BEAMS, Haifa, Israel,
June 7-12, 1998, pp.41-44
Krása J., M.
Pfeifer, M. P. Stöckli, U. Lehnert,
D. Fry: The effect of the first dynode’s
geometry on the detection efficiency of
a 119EM electron multiplier used as a highly
charged ion detector
Nucl. Instrum. Meth.
B 152 (1999) 397-402
Krása J., Láska
L., Rohlena K., Pfeifer M., Skála
J., Králiková B., Straka P.:
The effect of laser-produced plasma expansion
on the ion population
Appl. Phys. Lett.
75 (1999) 2539-2541
Woryna E., Parys P.,
Wolowski J., Krása J., Láska
L., Králiková B., Pfeifer
M., Rohlena K., Skála J.: Angular
distributions of ions from laser-produced
Laser and Particle
Beams 17 (1999) 307-312
Láska L., Krása
J., Mašek K., Pfeifer M., Rohlena K., Králiková
B., Skála J., Woryna E., Parys P.,
Wolowski J., Mróz W., Sharkov B.,
Haseroth H.: Properties of iodine laserproduced
stream of multiply charged heavy ions of
different elements
Rev. Sci. Instrum.
71 (2000) 927-930
Woryna E., Wolowski
J., Králiková B., Krása
J., Láska L., Pfeifer M., Rohlena
K., Skála J., Peřina V., Boody F.
P., Höpfl R., Hora H.: Laser produced
Ag ions for direct implantation
Rev Sci. Instrum.
71 (2000) 949-951
Gammino S., Ciavola
G., Torrisi L., Celona L., Wolowski J.,
Woryna E., Parys P., Láska L., Krása
J., Shirkov G. D.: Preliminary tests for
the electron cyclotron resonance ion source
coupled to a laser ion source for charge
state enhancement experiment
Rev. Sci. Instrum.
71 (2000) 1119-1121
Krása J., Láska
L., Stöckli M., Fry D.: Electron yield
per ion charge-state correction for an ion
collector with unsuppressed secondary electron
Czech. J. Phys. 50,
(2000) 797-802
Láska L., Juha
L., Krása J., Mašek K., Pfeifer M.,
Rohlena K., Králiková B.,
Skála J., Peřina V., Hnatowicz V.,
Woryna E., Wolowski J., Parys P., Boody
F.P., Höpfl R., Hora H.: Laser induced
direct implantation of ions
Czech. J. Phys. 50/S3
(2000) 81-90
Wolowski J., Parys
P., Woryna E., Krása J., Láska
L., Rohlena K., Gammino S., Ciavola G.,
Torrisi L., Boody F.P., Höpfl R., Hora
H., Haseroth H., Laser ion sources for different
Optica Applicata 30
(2000) 69-82
Krása J., Láska
L., Ion productions research with the iodine
laser facility PERUN, Proc. 4th Int. Symp.
Plasma´99 Warsaw – Invited lecture
J. Tech. Phys. 41
(2000) 117-124
Woryna E., Krása
J., Láska L., Mašek K., Parys P.,
Rohlena K., Wolowski J., Laser-produced
plasma as an effective source of multicharged
ions, XXIV. Int. Conf. on Phenomena in Ionized
Gases, Warsaw, July 11-16, 1999, Invited
J. Tech. Phys. 41
(2000) 521-531
Torrisi L, Ciavola
G, Gammino S, Andò L, Barna A, Láska
L, Krása J, Metallic etching by high
power Nd: yttrium-aluminum-garnet pulsed
laser irradiation
Rev. Sci. Instrum.
71 (2000) 4330-4334
Juha L, Fárníková
M, Hamplová V, Kodymová J,
Müllerová A, Krása J,
Láska L, Špalek O, Kubát P,
Stibor I, Koudoumas E, Couris S, The role
of the oxygen molecule in the photolysis
of fullerenes
Fullerene Sci. Techn.
(2000) 289-318
Krása J., Láska
L., Stöckli M.P., Fry D., Secondary-electron
yield from Au induced by highly charged
Ta ions
Nucl. Instrum. Meth.
B, 173 (2001) 281-286