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Given Name Jaroslav
Family Name Beránek
Position vědecký pracovník
Room No. 338
Phone +420-2-6605 2792
Research Activities

A one-dimensional kinetic computer model of the subsonic Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser (COIL) was developed. A set of equations describing the kinetic processes was solved, taking into account the effects of gas temperature and new simplified mixing model of oxygen and iodine molecules.

The temperature rise resulting from deactivation reactions was calculated along the flow for each computation step, using the temperature dependence of the rate constants and of the heat capacitance of laser gas components.

The model of mixing I2 molecules into the oxygen stream is based on the idea that a part of the molecules mixed to the molecular level (and thus accessible to chemical reactions) increases in the flow direction by the exponential law. The remaining (unmixed) I2 molecules are not available for the reactions. The results are compared with the experimental data measured on the COIL device in the Institute of Physics, Prague.



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  1990, 1991, 1992, 1996, 1999, 2000

Beránek J., Rohlena K., Mašek K.: Testování kinetických modelů jódového fotodisociačního laseru s pomalým čerpáním


Interní zpráva, FZÚ ČSAV Praha


Beránek J., Rohlena K., Mašek K.: Kinetics of iodine photodissociation laser in a free running regime at slow pumping


Czech. J. Phys. 41 (1991), 42


Beránek J.: Kinetický model jódového fotodisociačního laseru v režimu volné generace


Kandidátská disertace, FZÚ ČSAV Praha

1996 Homepage of Staff and Contacts Top Plain/Print Version

Beránek J., Rohlena K., Kodymová J., Špalek O.: Kinetický model COIL (I)


Interní zpráva, FZÚ AV ČR Praha


Beránek, J., Rohlena, K., Kodymová, J., Špalek, O.: A 1D kinetic model of COIL applied to experimental data


Proc. 11th int. symposium on gas flow and chemical lasers, Edinbourgh 1996, SPIE vol. 3092, 569


Beránek J., Rohlena K.: COIL Code Program (instructions for use)




Beránek J., Rohlena K.: Kinetický model COIL (II)


Interní zpráva, FZÚ AV ČR Praha


Beránek J., Rohlena K.: Simplest COIL model


Research report, FZÚ AV ČR Praha


Beránek J., Rohlena K.: Simplest COIL model testing


Research report, FZÚ AV ČR Praha


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