Nanoscopy Lab
The interaction of materials with intense electromagnetic
radiation modifies the topography and physico-chemical properties
of their surfaces [1]. The top layers are ejected from a surface
in the extreme case called ablation. Ablation efficiency
can be evaluated from the global properties of ablation craters
(diameter, depth, shape) dependent on the properties of the incident
radiation. A detailed look at the damaged surfaces shows the
redistribution and phase transformation of the radiation-affected
material. These observations, supported by the results of in
situ diagnostics, give insight in to the mechanisms of the interaction
between matter and radiation, in our case XUV and/or X-ray, i.e.
short-wavelength radiation.
Laser- induced periodic
surface structures (LIPSS) [2,3] are interesting
phenomena following laser ablation. According to the nature of their
origin LIPSS of two kinds can be distinguished. Most of the observed
LIPSS-I have a spatial period and orientation strongly dependent
on the laser properties (wavelength, polarization, coherence, angle
of incidence). They are created due to the interference of the incident
laser beam with a field scattered along a surface. Structures
of the second kind (LIPSS-II) have spatial periods that are significantly
greater than the laser wavelength and depend more on laser intensity
than wavelength, when a short-wavelength laser is used for
surface irradiation.
[1] D. Bauerle: Laser Processing
and Chemistry, 2nd Ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
[2] A. E. Siegman and P. M. Fauchet: IEEE
J. Quantum Electron. QE–22, 1384–1403 (1986).
[3] J. E. Sipe, J. F. Young, J. S. Preston
and H. M. van Driel: Phys. Rev. B
27, 1141–1154 (1983).
The Nanoscopy Lab was established at the Institute
of Physics in 2004 as a joint laboratory of the
Department of Laser Plasmas and the Department of Thin
Films. The laboratory is equipped with a Dimension
3100 Scanning Probe Microscope (Veeco) controlled by
a NanoScope IV Control Station (Veeco). This
layout represents a unique tool for analysis of
irradiated surfaces due to the fast and easy application
of atomic force microscopy (AFM)
and scanning tunneling microscopy
(STM) techniques.
Dimension 3100 SPM
Optical micrograph shows
accurate position of cantilever
The following characteristics, among others,
deserve to be highlighted:
- large samples (up to 200 mm diameter
and 12 mm thick) can be investigated
- optical microscopy allows accurate specification of cantilever
initial position (see the picture above)
- topography of large areas can be explored by AFM in tapping
mode, e.g. 60 micron × 60 micron scan
can be measured with a tip velocity 10 microns/s
- detailed images with a resolution of ~ 10 nm
can be obtained in various not only topographical modes, e.g.
image of electrical or magnetic properties
- SPM is operated in the air but isolated from vibrational
and electrical noise from surroundings
A Nomarski BX51 microscope equipped with a digital
camera C5060 (both from Olympus) is available in the Nanoscopy Laboratory.