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FI KONSULT s. r. o.


Environmental Consultant

Mr. Tomik is an expert on environmental conditions, policy, legislation, regulations and markets in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and on management information systems related to those subjects. He is experienced at preparing and publishing reports, periodicals, surveys, etc. concerning a broad range of environmental issues and markets and managing numerous market research, technical survey, environmental due diligence and environmental management training projects for both western and domestic sponsors in Central and Eastern Europe.


B.A., Civil Engineering, Technical University (Prague), 1991


FI Konsult s.r.o. (2001–present), Managing Director

Manages this international consulting company specialising in providing capacity building services in environmental and social risk management to financial institutions.

Scientech Inc. o.u. (2000–2001), Environmental Consultant

Responsible for environmental consulting activities of Scientech Inc. in Central and Eastern Europe. Consulting activities focus on conducting environmental site assessments, environmental due diligence, carrying out local environmental regulatory and liability analyses for the clients in various industrial sectors in CEE countries. Designs and delivers of various types of environmental training for both corporate and institutional sectors in CEE countries.

BMT Environmental Consulting s.r.o. (1995–1999), General Manager

Responsible for managing the market research, information management and environmental consulting activities of BMT s.r.o. (Czech Republic) in Central and Eastern Europe. Activities focus primarily in four areas: (i) environmental regulatory analyses (current regulatory framework, laws, regulations, standards, liability) and regulatory trends in various sectors in CEE countries; (ii) design and delivery of various types of environmental training for both corporate and institutional sectors in CEE countries; (iii) market research and analyses on the environmental goods and services business sectors in the CEE region; and (iv) compliance assessment with applicable environmental laws and regulations.

KZT s.r.o. (1991–1995), Division Manager, Information Management and Publishing

Responsible for the management of technical, market research and training projects carried out by this environmental consulting and information management and publishing company on behalf of both domestic (e.g. Ministry of Environment; Municipality of Prague) and foreign sponsors (e.g. UNIDO; EC_PHARE; US AID; German Institute for Urban Development). Editor of the most popular monthly environmental journal (EKOJOURNAL) in the Czech Republic, with a monthly distribution exceeding 2500 copies.


Senior Consultant, EBRD PHARE Framework Contract to provide Technical Assistance (TA) to support the development and implementation of environmental risk management procedures within FIs in Central and Eastern Europe, 2002.–present. Provides institutional analysis in financial institutions to assess current risk management procedures, local regulatory analysis to characterize the local environmental framework, development of institution/country specific environmental risk management procedures, and design and delivery of interactive training in the use of those procedures by credit and investment staff. Client: European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD).

Senior Consultant, EBRD TACIS Framework Contract to provide Technical Assistance (TA) to support the development and implementation of environmental risk management procedures within FIs in the former C.I.S. countries, 2002.–present. Provide FI institutional analysis to assess current risk management procedures, local regulatory analysis to characterize the local environmental framework, development of institution/country specific environmental risk management procedures, and design and delivery of interactive training in the use of those procedures by credit and investment staff. Client: EBRD.

Consultant, Environmental Risk Management Technical Assistance to Financial Institutions in China, 6/01. Provided institutional capacity building and training to three (3) Financial Intermediaries in Shanghai, Nanjing, and Harbin, China. Client: IFC.

Consultant, Environmental Risk Management Technical Assistance to Financial Institutions in Moldova, Romania and Russia, 6/00. Provided institutional capacity building and training to six (6) Financial Intermediaries (banks, investment funds, leasing company) in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Client: IFC.

Consultant, Technical Assistance to Financial Institutions to Implement the EBRD’s Environmental Due Diligence Procedures, 1997 to present. As a member of the team of Jacobsen Engineering Ltd. (UK), provides technical assistance to assist financial institutions (FIs) in Central and Eastern Europe to develop and implement appropriate environmental procedures for due diligence. Responsible for carrying out local environmental regulatory and liability analyses, institutional analysis to develop a detailed understanding of the FI’s operations and existing due diligence procedures, environmental assessments of FI’s clients activities, and development and delivery of training to staff of FIs. Contributed to the development and implementation of environmental due diligence procedures for Grupa PEKAO SA, Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy SA, Bank Slaski SA, Fortis Bank Polska SA, LG Petro Bank SA and Kredyt Bank SA (Poland), Banca Bucuresti, Bank Post and Banca Transilvania (Romania), Hermis Bankas and Agricultural Bank (Lithuania), United Bulgarian Bank and Union Bank (Bulgaria) and for the investment funds Innova Fund and Polish Enterprise Fund (Poland), Baltic Investment Fund (Finland), Czech Direct Equity Fund and Czech & Slovak SME Fund (CR), Romanian Post Privatization Fund (Romania) and Advent Fund (UK). Site assessments completed include an industrial (slag) waste recycling, electronics, plastic goods manufacturers, automobile service, and food processing facilities (Poland); printing house, electronic components manufacturer, rubber & textile footwear manufacturer, railway (Czech Republic); scrap metal recycling, pharmaceutical, electronic equipment, furniture, and shoe manufacturing facilities, animal husbandry facility and food processing facilities, a brewery and industrial park development (Romania). Client: EBRD

Project Manager, Due Diligence Information on a Waste Disposal Services Company prepared for a Venture Capital Fund, 1998. For a provider of waste services and operator of municipal waste landfill based near Prague, managed the team of experts who conducted the analyses of the client’s potential markets, carried out financial analysis of several alternatives for strategic development of the client’s business activities and assisted the client in development of his business strategy. On behalf of the client prepared and presented the information memorandum to CEEBF, a venture capital investment company targeting private environmental companies located in Central Europe. Client: Regios a.s. (Czech-Danish waste management company)/CEEBF (Venture Capital Fund).

Project Manager, Market Research and Analyses of Environmental and Infrastructure Consulting Services in the Region of Western Bohemia, 1998. The objectives of the project were to (a) analyze the market of environmental and infrastructure consulting services in the region and (b) identify the companies suitable for potential acquisition in the region. Client: DHV CR (Czech subsidiary of Dutch consulting company).

Project Manager, Monitoring of Ground Water Quality in the Area of Municipal and Industrial Waste Landfill Uholicky near Prague, 1997. Responsible for setting up a suitable procedure to monitor regularly the ground water quality in the area of the landfill, regular sampling of groundwater from the monitoring wells and reporting on results of the water analyses. Client: KZT s.r.o./Regios a.s. Prague.

Consultant, TA to provide financial, technical, market and environmental due diligence on companies operating in the environmental business sectors of Central Europe. 1996. For the investment bank, ABN-Amro/Mees Pierson EurAmerica (Prague), responsible for technical and market feasibility analyses and environmental due diligence of selected business opportunities, in the environmental sectors in Central Europe, to identify those which meet the investment criteria of venture capital investors. The site assessments included an ash recycling company (Poland), a municipal waste landfill operation (Czech Republic), a monitoring systems manufacturer (Slovakia). Client: European Union (PHARE).

Consultant, Technical Assistance to WielkoPolski Bank Kreditowy (Poland) to assess and improve the bank’s environmental due diligence procedures, 1996. As a sub-contractor to Coopers & Lybrand, provided regulatory and legal analyses of environmental liability issues conducted site assessments for EBRD financed investments and participated in two environmental due diligence training sessions. The site assessments included a sugar refinery and a glass manufacturer. Client: EBRD.

Project Manager, Study of the Existing Practices in Handling of Industrial and Municipal Wastes in Prague; Analyses of the Market for Organic Compost in the Czech Republic, 1996. This two phase study included collection and analyses of data, and elaboration of a final report. The objective of the first phase was to describe the collection, treatment, and disposal of industrial and municipal wastes in Prague; identify the parties involved in the waste management process, and characterize the competitors in the waste handling segment. The objective of the second phase was to assess currently utilized composting technologies, identify factors limiting the development of the compost market in the Czech Republic, and identify major competitors in that market segment. Client: GRONTMIJ Consulting Engineers. B.V.

Project Manager, In-Depth Assessment of Chemical Manufacturing Capacity in Five Central and Eastern European Countries, 1996. Responsible for organizing and conducting site visits to approximately 30 chemical manufacturing facilities in Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Hungary and Poland to develop primary data on manufacturing activities and capabilities, production levels, export activity, etc. Client: Confidential.

Project Manager, Assessment of the Solid Waste Market in the Czech Republic, 1995. Responsible for the collection and analyses of data on all aspects of the solid waste market (e.g. household, construction, and industrial wastes) with respect to the future development through the year 2005. These considerations included discussion of total wastes generated by sort, major competitors, market characteristics, pricing and regulation, entry and exit barriers, expected legislative and regulatory developments, and sources of financing. Client: Regional Environment Center Budapest.

Project Manager, Municipal Waste Incineration Market in the Czech Republic, 1995. Responsible for the collection and analyses of data relating to the combustion of solid waste in the Czech Republic. Issues addressed included the total solid waste generated, amounts incinerated, description of current incineration capacity (both operating and under development) analyses of economic and regulatory driving forces for waste disposal, and consideration of permitting and compliance issues for new incinerators. Client: SOLVAY CHEM s.r.o (Subsidiary of SolvayChem, Belgium).

Country Manager, Regional Survey of the Chemical Industry in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, 1995. As part of a 17 country survey, responsible for developing primary data on the chemical industry in the Czech Republic, Croatia, and Slovenia. Client: Confidential.

In-Country Trainer, Training of Slovak Environmental Business Managers in “Market Research Techniques”, 1995. Served as the local trainer on a US sponsored project to provide 6-day, intensive training modules to more than 30 Czech and Slovak managers of environmental businesses. Principal responsibilities included participation in preparation of all course manuals and materials, and delivery of the training modules under the supervision of a US trainer. Client: U.S. Agency for International Development.

Project Manager, Transfer of German Experience in Municipal Environmental Policy Development, 1993–1995. Served as the in-country coordinator for a multi-year project to educate Czech local and regional governments in the development of environmental policy. Responsible for organizing and recruiting participants for seminars for municipal and regional government officials, identifying local experts, providing all logistical support for German experts, and preparing and publishing 12 expert manuals on various environmental issues of importance to municipal and regional governments. Client: German Institute for Urban Development.

Project Manager, Development of Computerized Database (ENVIROBASE) on the Supply Side of the Environmental Business Sectors in Czechoslovakia, 1991. Developed an interactive database (in Czech) profiling more than 400 providers of environmental goods and services in Czechoslovakia. The database can be searched by geographical location, markets served, outputs provided, etc. The database is updated annually.

In-Country Manager, Training of Czech and Slovak Environmental Business Managers in “Principles of Strategic Planning”, 1994. Served as the local manager on a US sponsored project to provide 3-day, intensive training modules to more than 90 Czech and Slovak managers of environmental businesses. Principal responsibilities included translation and publication of all course manuals and materials, and provision of all logistical support required by US trainer. Client: U.S. Agency for International Development.

Market Analyst, Analyses of the Effects of Regulatory, Political, Economic and Social Factors on the Environmental Products and Services Sectors in Central Europe, 1994. Assessed the environmental regulatory fabric, environmental industry structure, and emerging environmental business opportunities in the Czech Republic. Evaluated domestic and foreign environmental investment and industry employment; identified impediments to the growth of, and barriers to entry to, domestic environmental markets; and discussed environmental policy issues related to enterprise development and industry expansion. Client: BMT Environmental Ltd.

Consultant, Identification of Representative Suppliers of Environmental Goods and Services in the Czech Republic, 1993. Responsible for screening and identifying Czech suppliers of environmental companies capable of contributing to the International Conference on Pollution Abatement and Heavy Industry in Central and Eastern Europe. Client: UNIDO, Vienna.

Consultant, Sectoral Analyses of the Environmental Industries in Central Europe, 1991. Assisted US AID's Resident Environmental Business Advisor in his efforts to assist restructuring of environmental business sectors the Czech and Slovak Republics. Analyzed environmental policy and legislation, and evaluated product and services sectors in then Czechoslovakia. Client: US AID.


(Mark 1 to 5 for competence)
























