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Rentgenové lasery

Adaptivní optika









Michaela Kozlová






A.R.Präg, T.Mocek, M.Kozlova, B.Rus, and K.Rohlena,
Statistical investigations of the beam stability of the double-pass amplified zinc soft X-ray laser at 21.2 nm,
Eur. Phys. J. D 26, 59-65 (2003)

M.Kozlová, B.Rus, T.Mocek, A.R.Präg,
Measurements of spatial coherence of X-ray lasers by diffraction on haircross wires,
in X-Ray Lasers 2002, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 614 (2002), pp. 591–595

T.Mocek, B.Rus, A.R.Präg, M.Kozlová, G.Jamelot, A.Carillon, and D.Ros,
Beam properties of a deeply saturated, half-cavity zinc soft X-ray laser,
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 20, 1386–1391 (2003)

A.R.Präg, T.Mocek, M.Kozlová, B.Rus, G.Jamelot, and D.Ros,
Study of the stability of beam characteristics of the neon-like Zn X-ray laser using a half cavity,
Eur. Phys. J. D 22, 31–40 (2003)






B.Rus, T.Mocek, A.R.Präg, M.Kozlová, G.Jamelot, A.Carillon, D.Ros, D.Joyeux, and D.Phalippou,
Multi-millijoule, highly coherent X-ray laser at 21 nm operating in deep saturation through double-pass amplification,
Phys. Rev. A 66, 063806-12 (2002)

B.Rus, T.Mocek, A.R.Präg, M.Kozlová, M.Hudeček, G.Jamelot, A.Carillon, D.Ros, J-C.Lagron, D.Joyeux, and D.Phalippou,
Multi-millijoule, deeply saturated X-ray laser at 21.2 nm for applications in plasma physics,
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 44, B207–B223 (2002)