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Bedřich Rus






A.R.Präg, T.Mocek, M.Kozlova, B.Rus, and K.Rohlena,
Statistical investigations of the beam stability of the double-pass amplified zinc soft X-ray laser at 21.2 nm,
Eur. Phys. J. D 26, 59-65 (2003)

T.Mocek, B.Rus, A.R.Präg, M.Kozlová, G.Jamelot, A.Carillon, D.Ros,
Beam properties of a deeply saturated, half-cavity zinc soft X-ray laser,
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 20, 1386–1391 (2003)

A.R.Präg, T.Mocek, M.Kozlová, B.Rus, G.Jamelot, and D.Ros,
Study of the stability of beam characteristics of the neon-like Zn X-ray laser using a half cavity,
Eur. Phys. J. D 22, 31–40 (2003)

S.Sebban, L.M.Upcraft, P.Balcou, M.Pittman, R.Haroutunian, G.Grillon, C.Valentin, A.Rousse, J.P.Rousseau, L.Notebaert, D.Hulin, T.Mocek, B.Rus, D.Ros, A.Klisnick, A.Carillon, G.Jamelot,
Investigations of collisionally pumped optical field ionization soft-x-ray lasers,
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 20, 195–202 (2003)






B.Rus, T.Mocek, A.R.Präg, M.Kozlová, G.Jamelot, A.Carillon, D.Ros, D.Joyeux, and D.Phalippou,
Multi-millijoule, highly coherent X-ray laser at 21 nm operating in deep saturation through double-pass amplification,
Phys. Rev. A 66, 063806-12 (2002)

B.Rus, T.Mocek, A.R.Präg, M.Kozlová, M.Hudeček, G.Jamelot, A.Carillon, D.Ros, J-C.Lagron, D.Joyeux, and D.Phalippou,
Multi-millijoule, deeply saturated X-ray laser at 21.2 nm for applications in plasma physics,
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 44, B207–B223 (2002)

S.Sebban, T.Mocek, D.Ros, L.Upcraft, Ph.Balcou, R.Haroutunian, G.Grillon, B.Rus, A.Klisnick, A.Carillon, G.Jamelot, C.Valentin, A.Rousse, J.P.Rousseau, L.Notebaert, M.Pittman, and D.Hulin,
Demonstration of a Ni-Like Kr Optical-Field-Ionization Collisional Soft X-Ray Laser at 32.8 nm,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 253901 (2002)

D.Ros, G.Jamelot, A.Carillon, P.Jaeglé, A.Klisnick, P.Zeitoun, B.Rus, D.Joyeux, D.Phalippou, M.Boussoukaya, A.Zeitoun-Fakiris, F.Albert, P.Fourcade, S.Hubert, S.Sebban, J-C.Lagron, L.Vanbostal,
State of the development of X-ray lasers and applications at LSAI,
Laser Part. Beams 20, 23–30 (2002)






B.Rus, T.Mocek, A.R.Präg, J-C.Lagron, M.Hudecek, G.Jamelot, and K.Rohlena,
X-Ray laser facility at the PALS centre,
Journal de Physique IV 11, 589–596 (2001)

T.Mocek, C.M.Kim, H.J.Shin, D.G.Lee, Y.H.Cha, K.H.Kong, and C.H.Nam,
Interaction of intense, femtosecond laser pulse with small-seized Ne clusters,
Journal de Physique IV 11, 433–436 (2001)

K.Jungwirth, A.Cejnarová, L.Juha, B.Králiková, J.Krása, E.Krouský, P.Krupicková, L.Láska, K.Masek, T.Mocek, M.Pfeifer, A.Präg, O.Renner, K.Rohlena, B.Rus, J.Skála, P.Straka, and J.Ullschmied,
The Prague Asterix Laser System, Phys. Plasmas 8, 2495–2501 (2001)

A.R.Präg, T.Mocek, B.Rus, and K.Rohlena,
Intensity distribution of the focal lines of the prepulse and main pulse at the solid target surface,
Journal de Physique IV 11, 601–604 (2001)

A.N.Belsky, I.A.Kamenskikh, S.Sebban, P.Jaeglé, G.Jamelot, A.Carillon, A.Klisnick, P.Zeitoun, F.Albert, D.Ros, B.Rus, P.Martin, and C.Pedrini
Luminescence of insulating crystals induced by an XUV laser,
Journal de Physique IV 11, 495–498 (2001)






P.Matousek, B.Rus, and I.N.Ross,
Design of a Multi-Petawatt Optical Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplifier for the Iodine Laser ASTERIX IV,
IEEE J. Quant. Electron. 36 (2000) pp.158–163






B.Rus, K.Rohlena, J.Skála, B.Králiková, K.Jungwirth, J.Ullschmied, K.J.Witte and H.Baumhacker,
New high-power laser facility PALS – prospects for laser-plasma research,
Laser Part. Beams 17, 179 (1999)




Before 1999


D.Ros, H.Fiedorowicz, B.Rus, A.Bartnik, M.Szczurek, G.Jamelot, F.Albert, A.Carillon, P.Jaeglé, A.Klisnick, S.Sebban, and P.Zeitoun,
Investigation of XUV amplification with Ni-like xenon ions using laser-produced gas puff plasmas,
Opt. Commun. 153, 368–374 (1998)

B.Rus, A.Carillon, P.Dhez, P.Jaeglé, G.Jamelot, A.Klisnick, M.Nantel, and P.Zeitoun,
An efficient, high-brightness soft X-ray laser at 21.2 nm,
Phys. Rev. A 55, 3858–3873 (1997)

B.Rus, P.Zeitoun, T.Mocek, S.Sebban, M.Kálal, A.Demir, G.Jamelot, A.Klisnick, B.Králiková, J.Skála, and G.J.Tallents,
Investigation of Zn and Cu prepulse plasmas relevant to collisional excitation X-ray lasers,
Phys. Rev. A 56, 4229–4241 (1997)

D.Benredjem, A.Sureau, B.Rus, C.Möller,
Polarization state of the output of soft-x-ray lasers through the paraxial Maxwell-Bloch approach,
Phys. Rev. A 56, 5152–5161 (1997)

P.Jaeglé, S.Sebban, A.Carillon, G.Jamelot, A.Klisnick, P.Zeitoun, B.Rus, M.Nantel, F.Albert, and D. Ros,
Ultraviolet luminescence of CsI and CsCl excited by soft x-ray laser,
J. Appl. Phys. 81 (5), 2406 9 (1997)

A.G.MacPhee, C.L.S.Lewis, P.J.Warwick, I.Weaver, P.Jaeglé, A.Carillon, G.Jamelot, A.Klisnick, B.Rus, P.Zeitoun, M.Nantel, P.Goedtkindt, S.Sebban, G.J.Tallents, A.Demir, M.Holden, and J.Krishnan,
The influence of prepulse level on the 3p-3s XUV laser output from Ne-like ions of Zn, Cu and Ni,
Opt. Commun. 113, 525–533 (1997)

A.Demir, P.Zeitoun, G.J.Tallents, E.Fill, G.Jamelot, Y.L.Li, M.Nantel, G.J.Pert, B.Rus, and D.Schlögl,
Detailed comparison of experimental and theoretical heliumlike Ti and Ca satellite line spectra emitted from a laser-produced plasma,
Phys. Rev. E 55, 1827–1835 (1997)

M.Nantel, A.Klisnick, G.Jamelot, P.B.Holden, P.Jaeglé, B.Rus, P.Zeitoun, G.Tallents, A.G.MacPhee, C.L.S.Lewis, S.Jacquemot, L.Bonnet,
Spectroscopic characterization of prepulsed X-ray laser plasmas,
Phys. Rev. E 54, 2852 (1996)

M.H.Key, W.J.Blyth, A.E.Dangor, P.Dhez, A.Djaoui, L.Dwivedi, M.Holden, P.B.Holden, P.Jaeglé, C.L.S.Lewis, A.G.MacPhee, A.Modena, M.Nakai, D.Neely, P.A.Norreys, A.A.Offenberger, G.J.Pert, J.A.Plowes, S.G.Preston, S.A.Ramsden, S.J.Rose, B.Rus, C.G.Smith, A.Sureau, G.J.Tallents, F.Walsh, J.S.Wark, Y.L.You, and J.Zhang,
Development of XUV lasers at the RAL Central Laser Facility,
Opt. Quant. Electron. 28 (3), 201­208 (1996)

B.Rus, C.L.S.Lewis, G.F.Cairns, P.Dhez, P.Jaeglé, M.H.Key, D.Neely, A.G.MacPhee, S.A.Ramsden, C.G.Smith, A.Sureau,
Demonstration of amplification of a polarized soft-x-ray laser beam in a neonlike germanium plasma,
Phys. Rev. A 51, 2316–2327 (1995)

P.B.Holden, B.Rus, G.J.Pert,
Efficient route to saturation in collisionally pumped soft-x-ray lasers,
Phys. Rev. A 52, 4107­4115 (1995)

P.B.Holden, B.Rus,
A simple model of refraction in the Ne-like Zn, collisionally pumped laser,
Opt. Commun. 119, 424­432 (1995)

B.Rus, A.Carillon, B.Gauthé, P.Goedtkindt, P.Jaeglé, G.Jamelot, A.Klisnick, A.Sureau, and P.Zeitoun,
Observation of intense soft-x-ray lasing at the J = 0 to J =1 transition in neonlike zinc,
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 11, 564–573 (1994)